Our hearts are designed to worship, to fixate on something greater than ourselves and seek after it. However, in our world, there are countless rival visions that attempt to co-opt our longings and convince us that they offer the good life. These disordered desires can create tension within us, as our hearts and minds struggle between what we truly desire and what the world tells us we should desire.
“It’s not desire itself is wrong. God is not a kill-joy who wants to stamp on our desires. Desire is part of what it means to be human. The problem is after humanity’s fall into sin our desires have become dis-ordered. They are mis-aligned with reality. So desire itself is no longer a good indicator of who we are or how we should live. We still have good desires, but we also have evil desires which do not lead to human flourishing.” Dr. Tim Chester
The reality is that our hearts will worship something, whether it's God or something else. This is why it's so important to be intentional about our vision, to make sure that what we're seeking after is aligned with a desire bigger than the desires of our hearts. When our vision is in line with God's vision, we will find true fulfillment, peace, and joy.
But when our vision is distorted by the rival visions of the world, we will find ourselves in a constant state of tension, as our hearts and minds pull in different directions. This can lead to disappointment, frustration, and a sense of emptiness.
The solution is to be intentional about our vision, to seek after God and His vision for our lives, and to reject the rival visions that attempt to distract us from what truly matters. When we align our vision with God's vision, we will find the peace, fulfillment, and joy that our hearts were designed to experience.
You and I need a vision for our life and work that seeks first the Kingdom. We need a God-sized vision that set’s our minds on things above. It’s a vision that moves from what we can get to what can I contribute and how can I join God’s vision.
The goal of a God-sized vision is to become the kind of people who want what God wants for creation.
So let us worship, not with our lips, but with our lives. Let us seek after God and His vision for our lives, and reject the rival visions that would seek to distract us from what truly matters. In this way, we will find the peace and fulfillment that our hearts were designed to experience.